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Unit 2. Session 2.- Commercial letter.


Eva_R25Eva is improving her English because she has already been in London for a few months but the Coronavirus pandemic has spoiled her experience of being in contact with her colleague every day in the office. On the other hand, it has also given them the opportunity of improving in the use of new technologies because she is using computer applications like Zoom to communicate with her superiors and colleagues through daily telematic tools.

At the beginning she just carried out simple tasks so that she could get used to the RR company procedures but after a while, Mr. Johnson has assigned her more and more tasks as other intern students do. Eva is hard-working and she´s striving to help the company in these hard times due to Coronavirus. It has taken her a lot of effort to be there and she wants to make the most of it.

Eva loves London and she wants to stay there for a long season and she deserves to have a chance to work in RR company as an accountant. There, she could earn more money than an intern student. Living in London is more expensive than she thought. Every day Eva arrives at the office early and works long hours. On the days when she doesn't have to go to the office she goes online and finishes her tasks on time. She doesn´t like wasting time. Mónica helps Eva in any way she can but her English level is worse than Eva's and she wants to return to Spain as soon as possible.

Mr. Johnson acknowledges Eva's effort and he decides to take her to his own department so that they can work side by side and he can personally supervise her progress.

Mr. Johnson: "All right, Eva could I talk to you for a second?"

Eva: "Yes, of course!"

Mr. Johnson: "Ok, Eva. I've been watching you since you came and I must admit you have made a great effort. Since the beginning you have taken it seriously and today you're completely integrated into RR company and you are doing a great job!"

Eva: "Thank you, Mr. Johnson! I'm very pleased to hear that!"

Mr. Johnson: "For this reason, I have set up everything for you to move on the accounting department so that you take on increased responsibilities and more complex tasks. You will work every day from the office except one from your home until the situation returns to normal. What do you think?"

Eva: "Oh. That would be great Mr. Johnson! Thank you very much."

Mr. Johnson: "I hope you keep on working hard and you don't let me down, O.K?"

Eva: "Thank you!, I won't, sir!"

Think about it

Write in the forum.

Imagine you are Eva and you have just talked to Mr. Johnson. Write down an email to your parents telling them about the good news. Remember to put into practice all you learned about sending an email in the previous session 1. Let´s go!