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2.1.1.- Quantifiers (II).

Una copa y un decantador de vino.
  • Some is usually used in positive sentences before uncountable or plural countable nouns. It means un poco de /with uncountable nouns and algunos / algunas with countable nouns.
    • I bought some wine yesterday. (Un poco de vino.)
    • We read some English books every year. (Algunos, varios libros.)
  • Any is usually used in negative or interrogative sentences before uncountable or plural countable nouns. It means nada, ningún / ninguna in the negative form or algo de, algún / alguna in the interrogative form. Sometimes it is not translated.
    • I haven't got any time. Is there any water?
    • There aren't any people. Have you got any children?
  • Note: Some is used in interrogative sentences when we expect the answer "yes" or when we offer something.
    • Can I have some cake? Would you like some tea?
  • Any is used in the affirmative form:
    • When it means cualquier / cualquiera.
      • I can do sport any day of the week.
    • In conditional sentences.
      • If you have any questions,...

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