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3.- Words you need: Transport and commerce.


In the table below you can find a few words that will help you to communicate when dealing with the shipping of products.

Commerce and transport.
English. Spanish
A nonstop flight Vuelo sin escalas.
Air waybill (AWB) Guía aérea.
Bill of landing (B/L) Conocimiento de embarque.
Boarding card Tarjeta de embarque.
Border – frontier Frontera.
Bulk cargo Carga a granel.
By mail - by post Por correo.
Cardboard box Cartón.
Cargo - load Carga.
Cargo plane - freight plane Avión de carga.
Carriage - transport (GB) - transportation (United States) Transporte.
Carriage by sea - sea transport Transporte marítimo.
Certificate of origin Certificado de procedencia.
Charter party Contrato de fletamiento.
Clearance certificate Certificado de aduanas.
Customs clearance Despacho de aduanas.
Declared value Valor declarado.
Delivery note Aviso de entrega.
Destination Destino.
Dock - quay - wharf Muelle.
Harbour duties. Derechos portuarios.
Import duties Arancel aduanero.
In bulk A granel.
In transit En tránsito.
Loading and unloading charges Gastos de carga y descarga.
Loading area Zona de carga.
Lorry (GB) - truck (US) Camión.
Luggage (GB) - baggage (US) Equipaje.
Net weight Peso neto.
On arrival A la llegada.
On board A bordo.
On deck En la cubierta.
Outward journey Viaje de ida.
Prepaid freight. Porte pagado.
Scheduled time of departure / arrival Hora prevista de partida / llegada.
Shipment Remesa.
Shipping note Aviso de embarque.
Storage costs - warehousing costs Gastos de almacenaje.
To handle with care Frágil.
To send goods - to ship goods Enviar mercancías.

A step ahead

John and Fiona have just arrived in London at Heathrow Airport. They have to find their way in London. Check out the following website: there are many listening activities you can do.

Welcome to London.