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2.5.- Now you put it into practice.


Change the consonant sounds to get new minimal pairs:

Sucesión de letras mayúsculas que forman el abecedario.
Complete these minimal pairs /b/ - /p/
/b/ /p/
Bet .
Bray .
Cab .
Complete these minimal pairs /d/ - /t/
/d/ /t/
Medal .
Rude .
Wide .
Complete these minimal pairs /g/ - /k/.
/g/ /k/
Glue .
Gum .
Log .
Complete these minimal pairs /θ/ - /t/.
/θ/ /t/
Theme .
Threw .
Three .
Complete these minimal pairs /ʃ/ - /s/.
/ʃ/ /s/
Shave .
Shine .
Shell .

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A step ahead

Listen to the following mp3 audio clips to listen and repeat the pronunciation of some minimal pairs:

Minimal pairs – mp3 audio clips.

A good activity to practise minimal pairs is through tongue twisters. Click on the following link and say them aloud:

Tongue Twister Pronunciation Practice.