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PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES.- Session 1.- Talking business.

Caso práctico

Dos hombres de negocios se saludan.

Read the text and listen to the situation. Jack Branson, a wholesaler from the USA and François Marais are talking business. François Marais works for the sales department at Baby Smiles, a French company.

François Marais: Monsieur Branson…..pleased to meet you and welcome to Paris, did you have a nice flight?

Jack Branson: Too long for me…but that's what it takes to come to the old Europe.

François Marais: Well, I hope that at the end of your stay here you can say the journey was worth the effort

Jack Branson: So do I. Well, as I told you in my email, I have an online baby store. We're specialised in car items and I'm interested in expanding my range of products to include yours, especially the safety seats.

François Marais: We are proud to say our quality and savoir-faire are very well known. Actually, we are now launching a top quality safety chair which is likely to become a success in the European market, the Happy Baby Model. Let me show you the catalogue…it's been rated with 5 stars in the European quality and safety tests and it's only 486, a very competitive price

Jack Branson: That's impressive! It's exactly what I was looking for. I guess you can also offer a variety of colours. Does it include the anchoring system?

François Marais: Yes, and it's an ISOFIX system

Jack Branson: Sorry?

François Marais: It means this product has been certified by the ISO 13216

Jack Branson: Does that correspond to the American LATCH?

François Marais: It's the European standard.

Jack Branson: OK, and now let's talk about delivery times. How long would it take for you to respond to my orders?

François Marais: We are a medium-sized company and produce on demand. For some products, we have a stock ready in our warehouses, and as long as you place your orders in advance of at least 45 days, we should be able to provide you with the products you need.

Jack Branson: 45 days! The American market is very dynamic and it's not used to such delay when dealing with online products. E-commerce involves delivering fast! I cannot work under those conditions.

François Marais: I understand. If we reach an agreement on a particular product we might create a stock which will let us supply your orders with a delivery time of only two weeks. FOB included, of course.

Jack Branson: Mm…That could be a solution.


Answer the following questions:
  1. What kind of company does Jack Branson own?


  2. What’s the Happy Baby model’s main feature?


  3. How much is the safety seat?


  4. Is the ISOFIX system the standard American certified anchoring system?


  5. How long in advance does the French company take orders?


  6. Why doesn’t the American wholesaler agree with the 45 days delivery time?


  7. What’s the solution to the problem?


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